Tracy M. Rau, Las Vegas Attorney Divorce and family law
Tracy M. Rau, Las Vegas Attorney Divorce and family law
Quick Contact Form


To discuss the specifics of your legal matter with Ms. Rau, please call the office to set an appointment for a consultation. Please click here for contact information and directions.

Ms. Rau charges for her consultations and after discussing the specifics of your matter will discuss the ongoing costs of your matter during the consultation.

The consultation is an opportunity for you to meet Ms. Rau, obtain legal guidance on your specific situation and determine whether you desire to work with Ms. Rau on your matter moving forward.

It is helpful to fill out the "domestic client intake sheet" found on this web site and bring it with you to the consultation. If this is not possible, please try to arrive a few minutes early to your appointment so that the document can be filled out at that time. The domestic information sheet provides Ms. Rau with necessary information that will inform her ability to render a more detail oriented opinion.

Domestic Intake Sheet Download in PDF format

When you call to set a consultation appointment, the fees for the consultation will be discussed.

If you are unable to make your scheduled consultation appointment, please show us the courtesy of calling to let us know.

We are also able to schedule telephone consultations for folks who are located out of state.

Please click here for contact information and directions.

The Law Office of Tracy M. Rau
501 S. Rancho Drive, Ste. F-40, Las Vegas NV 89106
Phone: 702-754-6700 || Fax: 702-754-6701